Teri Pichot, a social worker, has thirty-five years of experience working with challenging clients, including those struggling with substance abuse, chronic mental health issues, and domestic violence. She studied Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer, whose methods continue to influence her personal and professional life.

In the mid-90s, she led an outpatient treatment program for those with co-occurring disorders and dual pathology. Over fifteen years, she learned firsthand the administrative challenges of complying with state, federal, and local regulations while ensuring clients received the best care possible with increasingly limited resources. In this role, she honed her skills in engaging and effectively working with clients mandated to receive treatment by the child welfare and judicial systems. She managed high caseloads, inexperienced staff, and the push for evidence-based practices in a fast-paced, problem-focused environment.

Despite these challenges, Teri found ways to apply solution-focused practice in all aspects, from client care, supervision, policy development, quality control, outcome measurement, to strategic planning. She discovered that solution-focused practice was more than a therapeutic model; it was a powerful way of thinking and working with people in all walks of life.

Currently, Teri is an internationally recognized trainer and consultant in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and has authored five books (translated into French, Japanese, Mandarin, Chinese, and Spanish). She is the founder of the Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and provides inspiring and educational training and workshops worldwide on using this evidence-based approach with the most challenging populations. Known for her energetic and engaging teaching style, Teri brings passion and practicality to her workshops, ensuring participants gain meaningful tools that make an immediate difference in their clients’ quality of life.

For more information about her published works, click here:


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