Naomi is a solution-focused professional accredited by the International Alliance of Solution-Focused Teaching Institutes (IASTI). Naomi works online, in Sheffield, across the UK, and internationally as a coach, therapist, and trainer focused on solutions. Naomi’s experience includes working and coordinating services for adults facing multiple and complex challenges, including homelessness, supporting youth involved in the criminal justice system, substance abuse, and project management in the voluntary sector. This experience informs the structured yet curious and deeply respectful approach she brings to all her work.

Naomi completed her sociology studies in 2001 and discovered the solution-focused approach in 2003. She became more inspired by its potential three years later while volunteering in two youth prisons in Bolivia, South America. In 2015, Naomi became an independent professional with a portfolio that includes trauma therapy, executive coaching for young women, facilitating reflective practices, and international training on current innovations. Naomi represents the UK in the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA) and is a member of UKASFP and SFiO.

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