Mark is Doctor in Psychology, Specialist in Clinical Psychology, and Family Therapist. He is a professor in the Health Sciences Department at the Public University of Navarra and a guest lecturer in various university postgraduate programs in clinical psychology, psychotherapy, family therapy, sexology, and social work.

He trained with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg at the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee in 1991 and has since practiced, researched, and taught Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. After more than thirty years of professional practice and teaching and research activities, he has become one of the leading figures in brief therapy in Europe.

He is the author of over seventy scientific publications on family therapy and solution-focused brief therapy. He has published the books Family Therapy. ReadingsAdvances in Systemic Family Therapy24 Ideas for Brief Psychotherapy; with Marga Herrero, 200 Tasks in Brief TherapyHow to Raise Tyrant Children and Solution-Focused School Intervention; and with Matthew Selekman Changing Self-Destructive Habits. Mark has given lectures and seminars in Europe, the United States, Latin America, and Asia.

In 2017, he received the «EBTA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Solution-Focused Thinking» from the European Brief Therapy Association


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