Marga Herrero de Vega is Ph.D. in Psychology, is a family therapist, and a supervisor in family therapy accredited by the FEATF (Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations). She was a professor at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in the Faculty of Psychology from 1999 to 2012, teaching «Systemic Interventions and Family Violence.» She also taught in the Master’s program in Family Therapy and Systemic Interventions and the Postgraduate program in Gender Violence at the same university.

Since 2013, she has been directing and practicing clinical work at the «Institute of Psychotherapy» in Salamanca and collaborates as a trainer and supervisor with various NGOs and educational centers. Alongside Mark Beyebach, she co-directs the «Intensive Training in Brief Systemic Intervention» program in Salamanca and Pamplona.

She is the author of various publications on brief therapy and family and has given numerous lectures in Spain, Europe, and Latin America on the application of the solution-focused approach in clinical, social, and educational fields. She is the co-author, with Mark Beyebach, of «How to Raise Tyrant Children,» «200 Tasks in Psychotherapy,» and «Solution-Focused School Intervention: Interventions for Change in School.»

Together with Pilar Ortiz, she created the therapeutic materials «Purita Ilusión,» which are used in clinical, social, and educational contexts.

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