Carolina Calligaro is a psychotherapist with a strong background in the Systemic Model. She holds a degree in Psychology and is a specialist in the Systemic Model, trained at the Argentine Systemic School with Marcelo Ceberio. She is a facilitator in Mindfulness and mind-body therapies. Currently, she is completing her doctoral thesis in Psychology on the systemic therapy model. Carolina has participated in research related to mental health, communication, and adolescence. She has collaborated on projects covering topics such as family, human relationships, stress, emotions, the brain, and addictions. Contributions during the pandemic: Along with the team of psychologists at the Argentine Systemic School, she developed recommendations to protect children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. She has worked for years with individuals with chronic illnesses, such as cancer or those undergoing dialysis. Her approach is based on loving unconditionally and effective communication to care for the mental health of new generations. She is committed to university teaching, research, and clinical practice from a psychoneuroimmunoendocrine, systemic, and social perspective. Her work aims to improve people’s quality of life.

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