Toni Medina has been delving into and applying the solution-focused approach since 2005 and working with at-risk children and adolescents since 1999 in child protection system. Since 2005, he has been a psychologist in the Child and Family Unit of the San Cristóbal de La Laguna City Council, Tenerife, as part of a multidisciplinary family preservation team.

Together with Mark Beyebach, he has published several articles on applying the solution-focused approach in child protection. He has co-authored books on brief systemic therapy and taught at the University of La Laguna. Toni has also conducted numerous courses, conferences, workshops, and seminars on solution-focused therapy, child protection, juvenile justice, and psychosocial intervention.

In 2011, he began a research project on the effects of solution-focused practice in Tenerife’s child protection system, concluding in 2014. This research received national and international awards from the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations (FEATF) and the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA). The results of this research have sown the seeds for a shift towards more collaborative and hopeful professional practices in the protection system. He is currently working on his doctoral thesis based on this research.

Toni is a member of the EBTA, part of its international cooperation committee, recente member of IASTI, president of the newly created IMAGINE Association for the Research and Development of Solution-Focused Practice, and academic director of CASA, the Canary School of Therapy and Solution-Focused Practice.

Currently, Toni is writing a book on solution-focused practice with children and adolescents.

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