With English to Spanish translation, in the congress we will explore how solution-focused practice has spread to multiple contexts and how it is capable of generating multiple effects from the implementation of small changes in the environments where it is developed. These effects ripple out like waves in a pond. The topic is particularly important to us due to the impact that the solution-focused approach has had over several years on an island like Tenerife. The island has been a social laboratory for studying the development of solution-focused practice and its effects in different contexts, such as the public health system, child protection and family preservation, juvenile justice and judicial measures, social work, gender violence, mental health, drug addiction, etc. Tenerife has also been a strategic and intercultural place for knowledge exchange between Europe, America, and Africa. Our hope is that the 2024 European Brief Therapy Association Congress will be a meeting place for the exchange of experiences and mutual learning for professionals from different countries and fields of work.

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